Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What's with the Mood?

Will I have to admit that I and some others that I know have been in a strange mood. I suppose it's the "Blahs" or whatever you want to call it. Oh I hate this mood, it's almost like you have no control over your mood, you just want to go to bed and cover up your head. Yuck!! What do you do about it??? Anyway the snow helped some - because we all know I love the snow. But it is still there, that strange mood. I can't decide what to call it, but I will find a name. All I know is that I wished it would go away.

Also, today I was thinking about my lack of motivation, which wasn't helping my mood. I want to exercise, feel better and lose weight. I have no motivation! What's with that? the girls at work and myself devised a plan to get motivated and hold us accountable. It's a win win situation. We will be held accountable to each other and pay up when we are not. All money we pay in will be given to a needy program. Nikki, having a creative mind, has named our plan "Cloud's Biggest Losers." I think she chose that name because it will be us either way we go. If this doesn't work for me, then I am joining WW.

Cheer us on!!!!!!!!!!!!


chadandnikki said...

Well, my funk is slightly lifted today. Get ready for Friday,
day 1!

Joan Carr said...

It makes me feel better to know that other ladies go through the same things that I do. I have been in a blah mood lately and I don't know Gods help this to will pass.