Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I've been bad

I had lab work drawn the other week when I went for my physical at the GYN's. Cholesterol is up, Blood sugar is up, weight is up (no shocker there). Anyway off to the my PCP - hmmm, he says you have gained some weight. Ah, yes I have. Your cholesterol is up. Ah, yes I know. Just give me the "talk" and prescriptions and let me out of here. I have already beat my own self up about this.

You need to go on a diet and exercise everyday. Cut down on calories and carbs. Yes sir, I know and I will. I am going to give you Lipitor for your cholesterol and increase your Synthroid meds. I want to see you back in one month.

Needless to say, I have a lot to do in one month. I've been so bad and have allowed stress to run by life. So I am stepping up and getting with it. Pushing myself to exercise more and eat less. Sounds so easy, but as most of us know, it's difficult.

Here's to better health!


chadandnikki said...

It's so easy to let stress run your life. I too am there, and need to be doing so much better. See ya soon.

Anonymous said...

Amen, Donna. What I have decided for my 63-year old self is that I can't avoid getting old, but I CAN avoid getting old FAT! So, that's what I'm telling myself (and WeightWatchers is helping too!)
