Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


A few Sundays ago in SS class we talked about faith and luck. One guy in our class suggested that there is no such thing as luck. That things just happen and you must have faith. So someone ask, if you win the lottery, you don't believe that winning is lucky? He said no, that it just happens. I have mixed thoughts on this issue. You know I have faith and yes sometimes I probably don't have as much faith as I should, but I do think that I am lucky at times - I think. (my head is spinning about this). What do you think about being lucky??

After blog surfing today at lunch, I read so many blogs with unfortunate situations, such as a sick child, losing a job, etc. I have a loving family, I have a job that I love, I have a home, I have church, food on my table, and all that I need really. So I believe that I am blessed (not lucky) with all of these things. However when I think of people who don't have a job or food on the table, etc. I do consider myself lucky. Is that wrong??

Then comes the question - if you are a person who has no job or doesn't have much - are you unlucky, do you have no faith, or are you lazy and don't want to work to have things? Hmmmmm............ lots of thoughts running thru my head.

I do know one thing for sure.......we live in a greedy world. I am ashamed that money has caused this world to become what it is today.

Sorry I appear to be rambling.

1 comment:

chadandnikki said...

Here's my thought. I don't personally believe in luck. I would change that word to blessings. God, and others around us, bless us with the things we have and what not.

Now as far as the "unlucky" part. Bad things happening aren't necessarily because someone has a lock of faith. Old Testament Job is a prime example. He had faith and still lost everything. Sometimes God's providential plan requires us to experience things that we may view as "bad". That's because we have a human perspective, and it's flawed.

In short(or long), for me there is no such thing as luck. Just God's love and blessings.