Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Today was super busy at work, but Monday's always are. After work, met the fam for dinner. To the grocery store and then home. Curious - how many times do you go to the grocery store in one week? I feel like I am there every other day. It's been a long day.

Finally, I get my turn on the computer. Checking out facebook, showing the hubby facebook pictures from this birthday party. His birthday is today, but we gave him a surprise party on Saturday. When we are done, I move over to my blog and start reading. Now I don't know about you, but I don't like it when someone is looking over my shoulder. He was invading my space, HeHeHe. He reads a little and then ask questions. On to the next blog, again comes the questions. On to the next blog, again comes the questions. Are you getting the point? Good for you, he didn't. Finally he leaves me alone without me asking him to. I was so thankful. This is my time to spend with my blogging buddies - in silence.

Hope you have had a wonderful day!

Live, Laugh, Love

1 comment:

chadandnikki said...

I think Chad's over the blog thing by now. He just asks what I'm doing, and then changes the channel.

And what a "great" Monday we did have. Love working with you, it's always a blast.

Here's to Tuesdays.