Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Simple Question, Simple Answer

Why, why, why? when you ask someone a simple question can you not get a simple answer? Must they use long sentences and circle around the question ? Then after using unnecessary mumbo jumbo you still don't have an answer. Ughhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our church is once again going thru controversy. I am the Treasurer and this position requires me to attend several different meetings within the church and I starting to wonder why I even try. I would like nothing more than to be able to go to church and worship my Lord and Savior, without having constant chaos.

The thought has occurred to me many times about changing churches, but my husband has many family ties to this church and I hate to leave it.

I am just exhausted and frustrated. Please keep our church and myself in your prayers.



Mommy Vent said...

sometimes it is through the chaos that we find the real truth. I hope you find the real answers and soon

oh and the only real answer to Why... is BECAUSE!

Anonymous said...

Our church went through controversy about 10 yrs ago that threatened to split it -- at a time when my husband was one of the elders. Tough times for everyone, but we made it through un-split -- and stronger! A couple families left but that was it (and we are a large church).

Chuck Swindoll said once that a church is like a tree and that a storm once in a while can actually be a good thing because it "shakes things up" -- making the dead wood fall out and the healthy branches hold on tighter!

I have great admiration for people, like you, who are willing to serve in the jobs that make a church run, because you certainly are exposed to all the behind-the-scenes "tree-shaking". But, I'm guessing you'll have some of that in every church.

Best wishes in your treasurer's job (probably one of the TOUGHEST in a church!)
