Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Friday, November 20, 2009

It's Friday..............

so why am I not in a good mood? I am in such a funk today. I hate feeling like this. Lots and lots of things to be happy about, but noooooo I must feel like crap today. Ugh!!!! My patience, (what patience) are gone today. My nerves are on edge. It's one of those days in which I want to go home, jump in bed and hide.

I need hugs and lots of them. It is tough being a woman : (


chadandnikki said...

Hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs.

Joan Carr said...

It must be going around today. But, we must endure and we will get through it and on to tomorrow.

Jamie Lynn said...

I feel ya girlfriend.
I have those days ever so often.
Hang in there!
I'll pray for ya!:)