Have you ever wished there was a Delete button for life? You know the times when you have said something that you really wished you hadn't. The time that your mouth speaks before your brain can process what comes out. The minute it comes out you know that you have messed up, ugh!! Delete! all better, starting over, thinking, then speaking.
Have you ever had a situation that you would like to delete from your mind? The situation that you somehow found yourself involved in, but would love to move on and forget it or you wish it never never never would have happen in the first place. Delete! Delete! Mind clear!!
I wont go as far to say that I would like to delete a person from my life. No I would never wish that. Hmmm, yes I have thought that, sorry. Not to say that I would delete them away for ever and ever, just away from me. Delete!
There are many things that I wish I could delete and start over, but as we all know that is impossible. Can you image being able to have a delete button? I am thinking there would be abuse of the delete button, hehehe.
There would be many life lessons I would miss if I had a delete button, so maybe it's not such a good idea. The best answer to those "I wish I had not said that" is prayer. The best answer to rough situations is prayer. The best answer to people who drive me absolutely nuts is prayer.
Is it not awesome to know that you can take everything to God in prayer? He is there 24 /7. I love the little smiles and warm heart I get went I realize that God has answered my prayers or when I see him working in ways that I never could have imaged. Sure God does really big things, but I do so enjoy the small things as well.
Live, Laugh, Love
Yeah I need a delete button some days.
All of this is so true, Donna, and so applicable to my life! But I take some comfort from the fact that it is when I screw up and know it and feel terrible about it that I am at my most humble and most appreciative of God's unwavering love! That, of course, doesn't make it all right that I "open mouth, insert foot" regularly, but it does make me feel like some good actually comes from it!
Show me a person who hasn't experienced much adversity in their lives and I will show you a pretty shallow person! We don't learn the best lessons from the good things that happen in life -- we learn those valuable lessons from the bad times!
Just my theory. :)
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