Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

People, people, people -

- if you want to ask me a question, please don't send a message to my inbox on facebook and ask me to call you the next day when I get to work. Just call me yourself the next morning. That would seem to make sense to me. What if I didn't check my facebook inbox for 2 wks or what if I forget to call you because I am busy - somehow this is going to be my fault if I don't call you back. Ugh!

- if you are going to share a story with me about someones tattoo, please don't talk so loud and for goodness sake make sure they are not sitting 3 tables away. YIKES! LOL

- as you are driving down the road, I know you must use your cell phone, because you have an important call or perhaps an important text; or you are lost and need to use your GPS; oh my that hair of yours - gees get it combed before another driver sees it; change the channel on your radio quickly - that song sucks; BUT MUST YOU USE YOUR COMPUTER TO WEB SEARCH???????

Seriously I did indeed witness this first hand. A guy was driving a nice sporty car, going slow in the right lane on interstate, speeds up, slow downs, speeds up, slows down - you get the point. As I past him, I look over and GASP he has a laptop in the passenger seat and is using it.

-please do the job you get paid to do. PLEASE! I so don't want to be like you, sorry but you abuse the system. And stop playing dumb - what? oh you're not. Oops! my bad.

OK, enough whining.........until next time!


chadandnikki said...

I couldn't agree more. This was seriously hilarious.

Joan Carr said...

So what am I missing