Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Friday, April 3, 2009

It's Friday

Yay, it's Friday and I am off from work today. Looking forward to a long weekend. It is absolutely beautiful outside. After being blessed with so much rain, everything is a deep green. I love Spring.

Today, I am getting a massage, woohoo. And then back to the house to do a little cleaning and outside to enjoy this beautiful day.

My mind has been working overtime about a situation that has been haunting me for several years. I am considering having a conversation with the person that caused me so much grief. I believe and am hoping that if I do this, I will finally be able to let go completely.

I hope that everyone has a blessed day. Go and soak up some Vitamin D.

Live, Laugh, Love

1 comment:

chadandnikki said...

Are you ready for that? Maybe it will bring you some closure and finality. Praying for you and supporting you whichever way you go. XOXO!!